Monday, January 26, 2009

for my kakak

My sister asked me to remind her again on the few "choice" surahs to be recited daily.
If I placed it here, then I am altogether reminded of it.

So kakak, here goes (not in any particular order).

Before bedtime:
1) Al Mulk, surah no. 67 (as practised by our Prophet S.A.W.)
2) Al Sajdah, surah no. 32 (as practised by our Prophet S.A.W.)
3) Qursi (in Al Baqarah)
4) Ad Dhukan, surah no. 44 (especially Friday night)

After Subuh:
5) Al Hashr, surah no. 59

6) Al-Kahf, surah no. 18 - for "ketenangan"(especially on Friday)

Tall order?
Do what you can.
As in all things, once you are used to it, it's like breathing. :)

Allah knows best.


  1. Ada a few more kakak for ketenangan n also for perlindungan. Making the children hafal the lindungan one.Shorter than the ayat qursi pun.:) Nanti Win pen it down for u.:)

  2. Kakak sebelum tidur boleh cuba surah Al Waqiah.Pretty long i would say but Nabi Muhammad s.w.t does not sleep until he recites this.Hikmah for rezeki yang halal and many more.:)
