Thursday, March 26, 2009

suleyman bin abdullah of madinah

i was getting ready for bed last night when my phone rang.
it was not a local call.
it was from my "other" family in madinah during my umrah in 2005.

(l to r: abdullah, mazuin, me, amir)

abdullah owns a shop right outside of masjid nabawi.
he runs his shop with his son suleyman.
by chance i visited his shop after subuh prayers and in a span of 10 minutes, we were family.
just like that.


suleyman and i keep in touch regularly by sms since then.
and he's getting married on 18th may this year.
so his dad called to invite me formally to the wedding.
says i have to be there as suleyman wanted his other brother, me, at the wedding.
he even offered to send a ticket to madinah.
i'm touched.

i cannot promise i will be there for you brother.
if things work out, insyallah.
my doa and best wishes goes to you.


  1. Im touched by the story..Just go..You are no longer in the project anyway in May :D

  2. He must be really wanting you to be there sampai suruh Abdullah call...:(

  3. Whoah! Gila gempak! That's really nice of him la abah! Just go la ;))

  4. kalau pegi kena bawak isteri...nanti balik sini bawak mak arab balik :)

    just kidding. ada rezeki pi madinah- cool. you can do another umrah!!
