Friday, March 20, 2009

Journaling part 2

In my quest for the perfect journal, I found that almost everything sold in the stores don't fit my criteria. I'm fussy that way. :)

The leather bound journals are nice and handsome. But what happens when the paper runs out? I'd hate to put the journal away. So, having a refillable journal is definitely a criteria for me. But the overriding concern is the quality of paper when writing with fountain pens. Cheap paper tends to cause the ink to bleed. Ugh!

In the end, I have decided to use the B5 sized paper for journaling. They are large enough for expressive writing and doodling. As for paper quality, the Kokuyo brand are easily available, affordable and excellent for fountain pen usage. Kokuyo also sells a myriad of binders in various thickness. In fact, I'm already using them for note taking in the office. What better way to hide journaling whilst attending a boring meeting. Heh heh.

The binders used at work, with my journal entries hidden in some pages in between.

The actual journal. The entries from "work" easily transferred to this one. :)


  1. so what do you do when you run out of paper? Do you just buy refills?

    i have the same problem but then again, looking for new journals each time one is done is fun. I take a looooong time just trying to figure which ones i want. Really quite ridiculous. Then again - you need to be fussy I agree. This is a requirement if you are journaling!! Fountain pen and paper quality...very important.

  2. all of us love the Kokuyo binders..yummy...where's the book of terror? tak nampak pun..

    so apart from blogging..u write journal too in the office?????? u need more QA work than I thought u should :P


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. why was the comment above deleted, farahat?

  5. ya why was that comment deleted..m very curious now.
