Thursday, April 16, 2009

made in japan

a few interesting things i got from my wife from her recent tokyo trip.

chopsticks with my name in old style katakana (not kanji as previously entered. thanks adesh).

pocket notebook made of recycled elephant dung

and this is from rafil, yoda pen master, iroshizuku ink.
packaged to look like a bottle of fragrance. :)
lovely saturated hues this shade.


  1. very interesting and unique gifts.

  2. ehem..the chopstick was written in katakana and not old style kanji :P

    elephant dung???? that explains why :P

    the bottle is nice...

  3. ye ke adesh? i know my wife was not sure what it was so you could be right. i just wrote kanji. malas to google and find out. :)

  4. thanks adesh..yes katakana sounds about right.
    Dia tak ambik gambar all the food stuff i brought back!haha!Japan oh Japan!
