Thursday, July 9, 2009

love them now

the demise of the crowned "king of pop", michael jackson, brings out the side of human behaviour that i just don't understand.

we all have a limited life span in this world.
in this short lifetime, we appreciate and develop love for individuals.
be it admiration for their achievement or contributions, or just plain love.

but why is it that we don't show or express this?
let the person know how much they mean to us.
tell them. appreciate them. love them openly?
but the minute the person disappears or dies,
we lament and cry, compose odes of poem, songs, confer titles and even write letters to the one gone?
why do we do that when they are gone?
why not when they are alive?

it's too late. just too late to tell them how we feel.
pointless in fact.
what do we gain for doing it when they are gone?

what i'm trying to say is,
if we love someone, go ahead and tell them about it.
sing to them. write to them. do whatever you like as long as they know,
that you love them and appreciate them.
do it when they are alive.
not when they are gone.
because when they are gone,
your voice and feelings does not reach them.
at all.

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