Friday, June 12, 2009

barber shop

our typical local indian barber shop has not changed much through the years.

you can still get a decent haircut ranging from RM6 - RM13, depending on the location of the shop and the extras you get for a haircut. if the shop is air-conditioned, then the price is at least RM10 for adults. oh, you do get the endless streaming of indian music to go with your haircut. entertaining.

most of the barber shops belong to an association. much like franchising i suppose, since the layout and decor in any shop you go to is similar, differing only in the preference of strong solid colour on the wall or floor. tacky but comfortably familiar. mcdonald's must have learned some from them.

oh yes, barber shops compete for customers too. as an added incentive for giving them business, some reward you with a sealed cup of mineral water once you're done. most include a shoulder massage and an expert crack of your neck after your haircut, if you so wish. no, none for me thank you.

a shave and trimming of facial hair is extra. very popular as they do a real good job, the traditional way. the way they handle the blade reminds me of the show "sweeny todd: the demon barber of fleet street". less bloody i assure you.

some barbers are really good. some, as expected will butcher your hair. that's fine, my hair will grow again. and i'll go to a different shop the next time. if my haircut doesn't look like my chosen style from the model hair chart, i could always go to a different shop on the same day and have a crew cut for another RM10. and that whole traumatic experience would cost me RM20 at the most.

i would only start worrying about a bad haircut once my hair stops growing. even then, a clean shaved head can be endearing.

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