Friday, May 15, 2009

open the car door

i've always wondered,
why people open their car door
instead of the car's power window
to stick their hand out
to pay the toll
or touch their 'Touch n Go' card to the reader.

don't they know they have a car window?
don't they?
i mean, don't they??

fine if the power window is faulty or stuck.
but otherwise
what's the excuse?
i really, really want to know.


  1. very easy :
    1- their just installed windows tint to their car..if u use power window..nanti keronyot
    2- nak ambek angin luar at toll plaza
    3- tibe2 rase pintu cam tak toll plaza is the safest and most convenient time to check without having to stop at RnR
    4- just to get attention from people like u..hihihi :D

    happy wiken!

  2. i dont know what the fuss is about..
    maybe tak sampai tangan to the tag? happened many times to me at malls etc...

    love the pic!! what has the pic got to do with the blog? ahhaha!
