Thursday, December 31, 2015

Gama... not Gamma

so, i was trying hard to finish a letter to my sister.
ending 2015 with a letter that took me 4 days to write.
and i was also trying to finish the diamine blue lightning shimmering ink in my twsbi.
it's time for another pen to come into rotation.

whilst all this was going on...i bought myself a gama.
a gama fountain pen from an indian seller online.

what's the connection with the letter and ink that made me buy a pen online?
i don't know.
maybe because it just took forever to finish the letter and ink.
after all, i got myself the gama model "forever"...

corny? yes.
satisfied. immensely. :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are still using a daily planner. Awesome. I have not had one in a long while.
