Wednesday, February 3, 2010

really nothing at all

things have been going like clockwork for me. same routine. do stuff in the morning before work. jump into the car and race to the office. work. work. work. then jump back into the car and wait out in the jam jam jam. get home, dinner with the family and chill chill chill. same ole. same ole.

i don't mind it. i'm on overdrive. when things get repetitive and mundane, i excel at weathering it out. it's peaceful. you know what will happen next so you just sit and let it happen.

but as luck would have it, some little itchy-fied variable will always factor into my seemingly mundane routine and shake things up a little. a lot a times. annoying. if i could spit at the future random variable for messing up my still waters, i would. and if my spit were alien like acid, it would just burn the little random variable to kingdom come. yeah. burn.

but i'm no alien. i can't see into the future and track down the oncoming randomness and my spit is as harmless as a toad's croak.

so i do what i do best. weather it out. exciting ain't it?

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