Thursday, September 10, 2009

little hermit crab

there are some concepts that i fail to grasp.
like wanting to live or be alone.
totally independent.
not wanting,
not needing of another human being.

by 'fitrah', we are created to be social creatures.
up to the point that we are responsible for not
letting our neighbours go to bed hungry.
we are even encouraged to pray together.
that 'berjemaah' gives more blessing than praying alone.
those examples in itself says that we cannot live alone.
every once in a while, whether we like it or not,
we would depend on another.
and likewise, someone would depend on us.
and the answers we seek from our doa,
may come from another human being.

granted, some alone time is essential;
to think. to reflect.
but to live in isolation,
i think one needs to seriously think.
and think again.